Just a quick update on the past weeks fishing exploits. Its been a good week, 3 fishing trips in 8 days (although two were relatively short).

Firstly I will open with my favourite photograph taken this week, a small Grayling being returned.  I would have liked to have got a bit more of its eye out of the water in the shot, but you can't win em all.

1. Don Grayling & Trout (Plus a few Photos) 

The first trip was a tale of being out-fished by my old man on the River Don (although my efforts were concentrated away from my rod and behind a lens) .  We fished a nice stretch of river downstream of Oughtibridge in Sheffield.  We have a regular trip to this stretch of river every winter, the size of fish seems to keep on increasing every year we visit - this year was no exception.
The First Grayling of The Day (15" in length) 
Dad hooked into the first fish of the day on his vintage setup consisting of 1970's Mitchel match and 1980s Shakespeare boron.  Soon after a plump Grayling was netting weighing about 1.5 lbs.

Biggest Brown Trout of the Day.

Fair weather gave me chance to have a play with my camera (most shots that I'm happy with are included in the photo gallery).  I also made my a snippet of video footage showing my dad hooking and playing a nice brown trout. The clip will be uploaded when I've mastered the art of of video editing.

On the right is a fine specimen of a Brown trout caught trotting in deep fast water downstream of a weir. Between the pair of us we probably caught about 30 fish, most were of a good stamp weighing over half a pound, they give a good scrap on light lines.

The day finished with a few pints in the Fat Cat at Kelham Island.  All in all a great days fishing.

2. Derwent Chub

On Friday afternoon I took half a days annual leave and trekked down the M1 to meet James on the river Derwent. James had been fishing since daybreak and had one nice Grayling about a pound to show for him efforts.  I rocked up about quarter to one with magic cheese paste in hand, one cast and within two minutes I'd banked a fine chub. Unfortunately that was the only good sized fish of the day, although i caught a few Grayling late in the day on stick float. 

3. Mini Pike & Lost Fish On the Grantham Canal

A few days of mild weather had given me hope that pike might be on the feed today (I'm still not sure if i was right or not).  Over a few hours fishing 5 pike were hooked, however, only one fished was banked photographed below.

I also hooded and lost a large mirror Carp which I would guess weighed about 15 - 20 lbs.  I couldn't possibly tell you whether the fish took the lure or whether I had just dragged it past the fish whist it was sitting in the weed.  I do know that Carp take small spinners!

Thats it for this week! Wednesday will be my last river trip this season and I have high hopes for the occasion.  Not quite sure what to fish for, I think Chub on a small river (for a change) or a trip on the River Trent might be in order.  I'm never sad when the river closes, although rivers are my favourite water to fish I can already feel my aTENCHion turning to gravel pits and still waters where i know large Roach and Zander reside.