I am obsessive. I have to give all to something or nothing at all. Apart from catching a couple of bass while on holiday in Devon, both within a cast of each other (very chuffed), I have not been fishing at all in months! My last session was a trip to the woodyard with Chris that saw us catch an impressive amount of sardine sized tench. I missed the opening day of the river season unfortunately because I took up another hobby a few months ago. 

That's me in red and yellow about to destroy someone.

I'm in my rookie season playing American football. I used to play rugby to a very high standard, but my current job has denied me of Saturday's which is the day all English rugby is mainly played on. However, football is played on a Sunday. I have adapted my lifestyle, gym regimes ETC to excel at this sport. 

Monday saw my first river session of the year. I met Chris on the mighty Trent at 06:00, gorgeous day for sitting and chatting. Not so good for fishing. Alas, we did not blank, with two little stripeys falling to lobworms kept us sane. The session saw us sacrifice too many feeders to count, and a Fox EOS 5000 baitrunner of mine (the foot snapped while trying to pull myself out of a snag!) 

This week has not been a particular good week at work (especially after a fortnight off). I phoned Chris up to have a moan and he said he was down Stanton Gate on the Erewash. Originally, I said I couldn't go because I had an arms session to do in the gym. I walked in the door and thought "f**k it, you only live once, I'm going to go fishing". I attempted to phone Chris 15 times to see where he was (leaving him a pretty abusive voicemail at the end), but the numpty had left his phone in a previous swim! He phoned me back as I was setting up just having scared a small shoal of barbel (bugger!). 

My first cast saw my first chub of the season! (No photograph) it was a typical summer chub, real vibrant bronze flanks and black back. Chris had alread caught two fish, both over 3lb.

This session has really been a recce patrol ready for our next session this coming Tuesday. We scouted up and down, picking out the best swims having a dangle in each one.

Just as we were about to call it a day I struck at the tinniest nudge on my quiver tip and banked this last cheeky chub. 

Is this the spark that has re-lit my fishing fire? We will soon find out!