In Chris Yates book "How To Fish" he talks about using his favourite float. All I could picture was a quill avon float with a cork top and whipping down the stem with, a nice varnish finish. I really wanted one, in fact I had to have one. While looking on ebay I found this chap that made them to order, he had loads! Goose quill stick floats, crow quill avon floats, swan quill chubbers.. He was selling them for a couple of quid, or a set for a tenner. After looking at them I thought to myself "I could do that.." so I did. I scanned the Internet looking for anything on DIY floats, I found a pretty decent pattern to follow. The finished product looks the dogs b******s! They are that good Chris is joining in and making them with me.
The few we have made are roughly 3AA, and we intend to sell them for around £2 a float.

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